It’s not difficult to see that the profession of a commercial real estate broker provides unique challenges. The job is complex, the pace is fast, the industry is continuously evolving and brokers are at times on their own. It’s easy to understand why they would resist any change that might affect their current way of doing business. The question is: Why do they stay stuck?
Here are 3 reasons why some brokers will resist coaching:
1) Uncertainty. A reluctance to commit to a long-term program and not knowing if they will learn anything new or beneficial. Plus, the commitment of time will take their attention away from their current business.
2) Conformity. The belief that a one-size-fits-all program will require them to conform to cold calling, metrics, and accountability.
3) Comfort. They get comfortable with their current level of production. Some brokers achieve an ordinary level of production within about five years and stay in a state of arrested development. This produces ‘broker burnout’ within the next few years leading to the 7-year itch and looking for a change.
So why aren’t more CRE brokers taking advantage of a coaching program? One reason is that we’re not very good at asking for help. We’re independent and we like it that way. No one is standing over us telling us what to do and when. But there’s a downside to this as well.
Realizing you may need coaching is admitting you have a weakness. It doesn’t feel good, so we avoid the conversation or try to ignore it altogether. But if you’re serious about taking your career to the next level, you’re going to have to invest in yourself. A coach or mentor can give you objective feedback on how you’re doing with your clients and talk through alternative strategies.
The key to success is having a mentor who cares enough to listen and offer relevant suggestions or help at exactly the right time. A coach can be that person for you. No matter where you are in your career, that coach can help you transform into the top producing broker you have the potential to be.
Discover how you can break through to the next level with customized coaching without an expensive long-term commitment. Learn more by scheduling a 30-minute free consultation today.