Of a mobile carrier’s commercials from a while back. You probably know the one I’m talking about — “Just OK is not OK” is spot on for what needs to be remedied in commercial real estate. CRE brokerage owners and managers often settle for just OK production from their agents. Agents often settle for just OK production from themselves. Both often settle for just OK knowledge and skills because there is no college major that teaches how to be a highly successful, top-producing broker; and that too often excuses mediocrity in advance.

The problem with this thinking is obvious. First, “Just OK is not OK” from the client’s perspective. “Just OK is not OK” for brokerage owners and managers because when OK agents meet with high lifetime value prospects and fail there is rarely a second opportunity to capture that account. “Just OK is not OK” from struggling agents’ perspectives either. It’s not motivating to arrive at a mediocre level of production and competency and remain there in a state of arrested development, because that won’t keep their drive alive.

In Daniel Pink’s excellent book ‘Drive’ he makes the case that personal growth is required to maintain our drive. Anthony Robbins teaches the principle of continuous learning and improvement as a requirement for high-level success. Try to imagine Lebron James, James Harden, Steph Curry, or Clay Thompson stepping onto the court thinking, “I hope I will play OK today.” Despite their incredible successes and past performances, they constantly practice the fundamentals and hone their skills. They all expect more from themselves than anyone else expects of them. That is why they are best, and why the best always beat the rest.

Adopting “Just OK is not OK” as a personal commitment is a gateway to next-level success. Expertise is defined as knowledge, skill, and experience in each field. Expertise, deliberate practice of learned skills are living principles that must be instilled, adopted, embraced, and lived, because “Just OK is not OK”.

“Nobody gets to Great Alone.”  Learn how managing commercial real estate brokers can be quick and easy with a plan all set to go. Black Belt Brokerage is offering a FREE audio lesson, The One-Page Black Belt Manager’s Recruiting Plan.

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