chalk board with words spelling results and arrows under each letter

We all use “to-do” lists – and they are useful for managing certain types of activities. However, commercial brokers get paid for results, not activities, and “to-do” lists can cause us to focus on activities.

Here is what often happens: Whatever you consistently focus on, you will get more of; focus on activities, and you will get more activities. It’s easy to get caught up in the illusion of progress instead of achievement. The satisfaction of checking off a series of “to-do’s” perpetuates an illusion of progress. Thinking becomes short-term rather than strategic. Endless streams of activities can pile up unless you “keep up,” causing stress. Meanwhile, important things get crowded out because our focus is on urgency rather than what is truly vital for success. So what can we do about it?

Instead, make sure you have a written business plan. Try this FREE One-Page CRE Business Plan to get started. Then schedule the actions to implement your plan. Focus on the most important results – specifically, which properties do you want to list, sell or lease right now? Prioritize the actions that will achieve these results.

Innovative and simple ways to accomplish results will open the door to improving your business. Use the Top Dogs programs to create your step-by-step action plan for next-level success!

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