Marketing Packages, plus analysis software
Investment Analysis Software
Lease Analysis Software
Demographics or
Apartment Data
To excel at commercial real estate brokerage, good systems are critical. Systems are simply repetitive ways of doing something. To assist our clients to develop systems for every aspect of their practices, we offer the following forms. Each is meant as a training tool, but certainly can be used in your everyday practice of commercial real estate brokerage. Details on how and when to use each form can be found in the training courses we offer. If you have suggestions or comments on any of the forms, feel free to call us at 1-888-894-5772, or email us at
Office Property Questionnaire
This form is ideal for analyzing office properties. It contains a list of all of the questions you must ask about an office building when representing the property, or when analyzing the building on behalf of buyers or tenants.
$img[] = ‘/image/OfficeProperty.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/Office_Questions.pdf’;
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This form is ideal for analyzing industrial properties. It contains a list of all of the questions you must ask about an industrial property when representing the property, or when analyzing the property on behalf of buyers or tenants.
$img[] = ‘/image/IndustrialProperty.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/Industrial_Questions.pdf’;
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This form is ideal for analyzing retail properties. It contains a list of all of the questions you must ask about a retail shopping center or building when representing the property, or when analyzing the property on behalf of buyers or tenants.
$img[] = ‘/image/RetailProperty.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/Retail_Prop_Questions.pdf’;
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This form is ideal for analyzing apartments. It contains a list of all of the questions you must ask about an apartment building when representing the property or when analyzing the building on behalf of buyers.
$img[] = ‘/image/MFResQuestions.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/MFRes_Questions.pdf’;
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This form is ideal for analyzing vacant land and/or land suitable for development. It contains a list of all of the questions you must ask about land when representing the property or when analyzing it on behalf of buyers.
$img[] = ‘/image/LandQuest.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/Land_Quest.pdf’;
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This form is a training tool that helps to understand the operating income and expenses for an apartment building. While good investment analysis software should always be used for final analysis, this form offers a quick way to calculate the income, expenses, NOI, GRM, and Cap Rate.
$img[] = ‘/image/MFResFinancial.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/MFFinancials.pdf’;
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This is an example of the above form filled out with the numbers associated with a specific apartment building. It is meant as an example; to clarify how to use the form and how to calculate the numbers associated with income property analysis.
$img[] = ‘/image/MFResFinancialWorksheet.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/MFFinancialsSample.pdf’;
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This form is a training tool that helps to understand the financials for non-residential property (office, industrial, retail, etc.). While good investment analysis software should always be used for final analysis, this form offers a quick way to calculate the income, expenses, NOI, and Cap Rate.
$img[] = ‘/image/NonresFinancial.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/NonresFinancials.pdf’;
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This form is a great tool for comparing competing spaces and properties for lease. When listing property for lease, fill out this form for each of the properties that are most obviously in competition with your listing. Then calculate, using the form, whether your listing should be priced higher or lower.
$img[] = ‘/image/LeaseCMA.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/LeaseCMA.pdf’;
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This form is a training tool designed to help you calculate the impact of financing on non-residential commercial property. While lenders will ultimately determine the final numbers, this worksheet helps to calculate the percentage of the property that can be financed, the acquisition costs, and the cash-on-cash return.
$img[] = ‘/image/LoanCalc.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/LoanCalc.pdf’;
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This form is a training tool designed to help you calculate the impact of financing on multi-family residential property (apartments). While lenders will ultimately determine the final numbers, this worksheet helps to calculate the percentage of the property that can be financed, the acquisition costs, and the cash-on-cash return.
$img[] = ‘/image/MultiFamLoanInfo.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/MultiFamLoanInfo.pdf’;
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This needs analysis questionnaire contains questions that can and should be asked when representing buyers of commercial property. It is oriented towards investors, but most of the questions should also be asked when representing owner-occupants.
$img[] = ‘/image/InvestorNeedsAnalysis.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/Investor_Needs_Analysis.pdf’;
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This needs analysis questionnaire contains questions that can and should be asked when representing tenants looking for office space. It can also be used when representing a buyer looking for office property to occupy.
$img[] = ‘/image/OfficeTenantQuest.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/Office_Tenant_Quest.pdf’;
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This worksheet is designed to assist you in calculating square footage needs for an office tenant. A good needs analysis should be conducted (use the above questionnaire). Then, use this worksheet to calculate the number of square feet needed.
$img[] = ‘/image/Sq.Ft.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/Sq.Ft.CalcForm.pdf’;
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This needs analysis questionnaire contains questions that can and should be asked when representing tenants looking for industrial space. It can also be used when representing a buyer looking for industrial property to occupy.
$img[] = ‘/image/IndustTenantQuest.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/Indust_Tenant_Quest.pdf’;
$html[] = ‘
This needs analysis questionnaire contains questions that can and should be asked when representing tenants looking for retail space. It can also be used when representing a buyer looking for retail property to occupy.
$img[] = ‘/image/RetailNeedsAnalysis.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/Retail_Needs_Analysis.pdf’;
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A copy of this form should be given to clients when conducting a tour of possible spaces for them to occupy. It allows them to take accurate notes about each space on the tour.
$img[] = ‘/image/TourChecklist.gif’;
$link[] = ‘/pdf/Tour_Checklist.pdf’;